So the league has started. And I have managed to grab 2 wins from two respected hobbyists. What I'm going to share today is about pre-match preparation, preparation before the game started.
1. Know your opponent
I cant stress this enough to myself, make sure you know your opponent list, because that would seriously affect how you going to deploy your army. Even if the opponent is an old friend that you play week in and week out, still there is no harm to just throw in a quick question, "Same list, old pal ??" You have every right to know your opponent list prior the start of the game.
2. Analyze your opponent list
Getting the list is just the starter, make sure you read / analyze your opponent list, at least you need to know what unit threatening you the most. If you are unsure about something in the list, or any special rules that come with a special named character, I always make sure I ask my opponent to explain clearly to me. Other than that, when you look into your opponent list, you can roughly predict how your opponent will do to go against your list. For example, nobz bikers will most likely charge into your army asap, and you can pretty sure an IG leafblower will just dig in and blast you to the next kingdom come. Knowing this, you should start to prepare yourself on what you might face in a short while.
3. Relax and Play
Dont fret just because it's a league/tournament. Relax yourself and have fun. You will not play full to your standard if you are nervous. Just face the game itself and love your model like you used to.
League game is a long and ongoing tournament, make sure you are well prepared and you can definitely score a good spot in the league table. And no matter how well you play or how your dice abandon you at the critical moment, just remember this is still a game and make sure you have fun.