Monday, April 5, 2010

Weekend Summary

I had a total of 4 games over the last weekend, first 2 at Legio Malaysia and another 2 at Hobby Forge. I swap my 10x CSM squad with a 7 men fully kitted Noise Marines as I felt that I lack of anti hordes capability.

First game vs old pal Redeye on a spearhead annihilation mission. The terrain setup was pretty disadvantage to both of us as our lists relies alot on our heavy support. I decided to split my armies into two, one on flanking while the other part going through the middle of the table as there's a big ruin that provide cover for both of us. However, once I managed to lash his most killy unit, the assault termies + cassius to middle, I abandon my initial plan to focus all fire on them. At the end, I won this game with a very very small margin. I felt that I could have accomplish more should I stick to my original plan as by the end of the game, my DPs were all dead due to overkill the assault termies then get shot to death before reaching the next line, while the rest of the troops cant reach to his support line in time by the time game ended. Oh well.. lesson learnt.

Second game vs joe, 2 LRs fully filled with berzerkers and Abaddon. Mission was C&C on dawn of war. I won the roll and decided to let him go first. (not sure if this is a good decision though, you tell me) I lost this game as I lost all my troops and couldnt lash his troop far enough away from his own objective. Made a big mistake by not popping smoke on my plague marines rhino (there were sent to capture his objective while the rest of the army sitting at base to welcome Abby and gang) and his termicide DS in time and pop my rhino. Ended up my plague marine were tie down since Turn 3 by ctermies. Should have never underestimate the destruction termicide can bring next time. Roll were average.

Third game vs Jarvin, an Orks player. He fieled warboss, 60+ orks boys on foot, big meks, helikopta and tankbusta. My first hordes opponent, and we are playing annihilate/dawn of war. I TA him by turn 5 as I have some lucky roll on the lash distance combined with doom siren and plasma cannon that did major damage to his boys before I assaulted them. Roll were average on my side but poor Jarvin had below average dice roll that day.

Fourth game vs another old pal, Wong. Wong is using some alot units time wasting list. Mission were annihilate/pitch battle. I split my forces two parts again due to very little cover available from my side. I won the game by 9-5, I think. Lesson learnt, I shouldnt always try to split my troops into two as if it werent some lucky rolls, I might have been TA-ed for quite some time. Lash prince died on 1st turn without even moving 1 inch is a good example in this game. Roll were bad at the start then roll become above average after turn 2.

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